
Community of Consciousness

Join us in a field of
expanding consciousness.
Let us deepen our connection
to ourselves, each other,
our communities,
and all of

Everyone Is a
Precious Buddha

Our Roots

Rev. Vanja Palmers is a trailblazer in the field of combining Zen practice and scientific methods for expanded consciousness. He is a senior priest in the Kobun Chino Roshi lineage, to which DeepBow belongs.

Morning Meditations

Online via Zoom

Monday - Saturday 7:30-8:10am
Sunday (scroll down for details)

[It will be noted here when a mediation is canceled.]

Click here to join the zoom at the scheduled time.

Prison Project

The Prison Project was started by Rev. Doug Jacobson 13 years ago. Through this program, inmates find paths to inner freedom. The program includes prison visitations, Zen Buddhist services, meditation, Dharma teaching, group and individual discussion, and daylong retreats.

Sunday Program

Join us for this time of community — online or in person.

Sundays 10:00am - Noon (or so)

Online via Zoom | In person in Los Altos, CA

  • 10 am Meditation Chant Text

  • 10:55 am Dharma Talk & Conversation

Death Café

DeepBow facilitates gatherings that invite participants to share theirs thoughts, experiences and wisdom about death. The goal is to foster greater awareness and acceptance of death as a natural part of life.

Learn more about the global Death Café movement.

Interested? Contact Us

Meditation Hikes & Retreats

Deepening consciousness and connection with ourselves, each other, and all of life.

Divine Dialogues

Circles of Expanding Consciousness

Divine Dialogues are guided soul-nourishing conversations that unfold from a shared space of deep listening together. DeepBow dialogues are offered in person by donation one evening each month (aiming for the first TUESDAY) in Los, Altos, CA.

Next Dialogue: July 2, 2024

5:45 pm — Arrive between 5:45-6:45pm
6:00 pm — Potluck (optional) - bring a dish to share
7:00-8:45 pm — Divine Dialogue


Upcoming Locations include

  • Oakland, CA

  • Grass Valley, CA